Campus Leadership
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025, 09:17 AM
Campus Leadership
Servant Leadership
Austin A. Lane
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs:
Sheryl A. Tucker
Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance:
Susan Simmers
Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate School Dean:
Costas Tsatsoulis
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs:
Jeff Burgin
Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine:
Jerry Kruse
Executive Director, SIU Extended Campus:
Susan Wegmann
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer:
Jeff Harmon
Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations:
Matt Kupec
Director, Intercollegiate Athletics:
Tim Leonard
Vice Chancellor for Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
Paul Frazier
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management:
Wendell Williams
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources:
Nick Wortman
Director, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer:
Wil Clark
Executive Director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research:
David G. Shirley
Director, Department of Public Safety:
Ben Newman
Senior System Counsel:
Deb Nelson
Staffed by:
Jodi Boese, Business/Administrative Associate to the Chancellor
Leadership Council
Austin A. Lane
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs:
Sheryl A. Tucker
Executive Director of Finance:
Susan Simmers
Vice Chancellor for Research:
Constantinos Tsatsoulis
Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine:
Jerry Kruse
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer:
Jeff Harmon
Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations:
Matt Kupec
Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
Paul Frazier
Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management:
Wendell Williams
Associate Vice Chancellor for Development & Alumni Relations, Executive Director:
Jeff Gleim
Director, Intercollegiate Athletics:
Tim Leonard
Director, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer:
Wil Clark
Director, Department of Public Safety:
Ben Newman
Senior System Counsel:
Deb Nelson
Dean, College of Agricultural, Life and Physical Sciences:
Eric Brevik
Dean, College of Business and Analytics:
Marc Morris
Dean, College of Engineering Computing, Technology, and Mathematics:
Frank Liu
Dean, College of Health and Human Services:
Robert Morgan
Dean, College of Liberal Arts:
Joddy Murray
Dean, College of Arts and Media:
Hong Cheng
Acting Dean, School of Education:
Stacy D. Thompson
Dean, School of Law:
Camille Davidson
Dean, Library Affairs:
John Pollitz
University Faculty Ombudsperson:
Michelle Kibby
Interim Associate Dean and Director , Graduate School:
Karen Jones
Executive Director, Research Park:
Lynn Andersen Lindberg
President, Faculty Senate:
Yueh-Ting Lee
AP Staff Council and Diversity Council:
Todd Bryson
Faculty President, Black Staff and Faculty Council:
Pamela Smoot
Staff President, Black Staff and Faculty Council:
Renada Greer
President, Hispanic Latino Staff and Faculty Council:
JP Reed
Chair, Network Empowering Women:
Dr. Tarnisha Green
Chair, Graduate Council:
Craig Gingrich-Philbrook
President, Graduate and Professional Student Council:
Caleb McKinley-Portee
President, Undergraduate Student Government:
Isaiah Overton
President, Civil Service Council:
Elizabeth Cheek
SIU Carbondale Student Trustee:
Dorcas Brou
Staffed by:
Jodi Boese, Business/Administrative Associate to the Chancellor
Chancellor's Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion
Najjar Abdul-Musawwir
School of Art and Design
Dr. Kofi Akamani
School of Agricultural Sciences
Dr. Nilanjana R. Bardhan
Communication Studies
Dr. Joseph A. Brown
Africana Studies
Sandy Brown
Alumni Association
Tara Brown
City of Carbondale
Todd S. Bryson
Administrative Professionals Staff Council
Lisa C. Caringer
Disability Support Services
Jamie A. Clark
Student Health Services
Wil A. Clark
LBGTQ+ Faculty Staff Council
Juniper Oxford
LGBTQ Resource Center Coordinator
Renee A. Colombo
Human Resources
Dr. Elaine Conrad
Center for International Education
Paul S. Copeland
Veterans Services
Dr. Camille M. Davidson
School of Law
Dr. Linda Flower
Carbondale NAACP Chapter
Ashley L. Followell
Affirmative Action Office
Dr. Paul Frazier
VC for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Richard Gardner
Black Alumni Group President
Craig Gingrich-Philbrook
Graduate Council
Dr. Tarnisha Green
College of Engineering
Dr. Renada D. Greer
Student Multicultural Resource Center
Jacari Henderson
Black Staff and Faculty Council
Mehkilei Holmes
Undergraduate Student Government
Michelle Kibby
University Ombudsperson
Dr. Yueh-Ting Lee
Asian Pacific Islander Faculty Staff Council
Dr. Anneke Metz
Faculty Senate
Dr. Jose D. Najar
History Department
Bethany Peppers
Office of Student Engagement
JP Reed
Hispanic Latino Staff Faculty Council
Rabbi Mendel Scheiman
Carbondale Community
Anthony Travelstead
Civil Service Council
Philip Hartke
Undergraduate Student Government
Victor Ludwig
Student Trustee
Rachel Nozicka
Graduate and Professional Student Council
Ryan Reeverts
Undergraduate Student Government President